
In My Corner

In an average day I have touched a phone, my cell, and a computer keyboard. Everything I touch is linked together. Linked by technology. I need my computer while I talk on the phone and I need my phone while I work on my computer. It never ends- Ever! And if anyone knows me, they certainly know technology and I are not best friends forever. I would say we view each other as necessary evil.

Even as a tech challenged individual, I find it easier to sit on Pintrest than to actually get up and make the craft. Easier to order dinner in than to cook it. Easier to stalk Facebook friends than to actually remember to speak to them.

I constantly find myself looking forward to times when my fingers touch reality. Times when flour cakes under my nails. When hot glue is scalding my finger. For that moment when I have been pricked by thorns while gardening. In these moments I feel more connected to the world around me than all of social media put together. I feel as if I have successfully stopped time. Life is no longer passing me by. And in the end I have something to show. Something to share.

This Thanksgiving gave me the perfect opportunity to roll up my sleeves and dig in to reality. It also gave me an unexpected blessing. The blessing of realizing that technology is not the devil I have always believed it to be. These pies are the perfect example of my new found relationship! That I can actually work with technology to help shape my reality.

Every year I make the same traditional Thanksgiving pies- pumpkin and apple. Every year I make their crust and filling from scratch. Why not? Don't I buy enough pre-made stuff at the store year round? Well that didn't change... but what did change was my creativity level with the pies. And to be honest, I owe that creativity to a pin I found on Pinterest. What a great idea! It did take some time to braid the pumpkin pie crust, but after it was all said and done I was so impressed. As silly as it sounds, I was proud. 

Then I got to the apple pie. I am even more proud to say that I came up with this flower design on my own. I mean, I'm sure a million people have figured this out, but I didn't reference any pictures or instructions! I just went with it! The pies were a hit. Both in taste and appearance. I can also assure you that not another boring pie crust will be made.

Dare I say I can see a new bff in the near future?

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