
Resolution with Resolve

To Be Cliche or NOT To Be Cliche

New Year's Eve. Followed by New Year's Day. Followed by a NEW YOU. If only. The idea itself is a naive one...yet it gets us ALL every stinkin' year.

Even if the idea itself is naive, a New Year-NewYou is so believable because, really, it isn't just an idea. It's very much an action. It's a visual experience. You buy a new calendar for your office. You plan your end-of-the-year parties. You count down as the ball drops in Time Square. I personally feel like the New Year is the PERFECT time to start being a New You. And if you happen to be in the "any-time-is-a-good-time-to-start-over" group... this post is probably not for you.

On That Note

The end of the year is a gift. It is the perfect time to reflect. To remember. And no, I don't mean having a bashfest on yourself. I mean to truly reflect on your accomplishments, your shortcomings, your relationships, and your walk with the Lord Almighty. It's the perfect time to stop and think ahead. To think of the ways you hope to grow. Of ways you plan to change- both small and large. 


So now that reflecting has been accomplished, you may have a list- or pages. If words could just jump off the page and work themselves into action! But alas, that isn't going to happen. It's going to take some resolve on your end- on my end. Resolve to take baby steps. And even if your goal or resolution isn't knocked out-of-the-park by the end of this next year, at the very least, you will have made an attempt. An attempt is accomplishment enough!

New Year- New Me

My desires for 2014 are no secret! I have a bunch of them and can only hope that the resolve in my heart will carry me to a happier place this year.

Problem #1: My life feels like a vacuum. It sucking the wind right out of me. The thoughts and actions that clutter my life are just overkill.

Plan: Making- not finding- quiet time. Time to be still. Time to learn how to trust. Time where I actively lean on the only one who can carry me through all of life's demands- my Father, my King.

Problem #2: So...here is an obvious one- weight loss. I've gained about 40 pounds in the last 2 years, and about 50 pounds since my freshman year of college. There's not too much to complain about here. I could blame it on my job. On stress. On a bunch of things really. Whatever the reason may be, the side-effect of my choices the past few years has led to excess weight. This weight gain has caused some health problems. Lack of sleep. Low self-esteem. Stomach pains. Back pains. And so on.

Plan: I have solicited the help of a close friend. We have purchased a 30-day boot camp pass from Groupon. This boot camp will commence on the first of February. I will also be registering for the local Color Run in March and training for this race will begin the first week of January. I am stopping here for now, because these two thing alone seem overwhelming. While they are in the process of being accomplished I will look to planning the rest of the year!

Problem #3: For all of the "me" things I do in life what have I done to help the "others" this year? Nothing. Epic fail. So self-centered if you want to put it that way.

Plan: I will be doing some research and praying on where/what/who I should be donating my time/effort/energy to this year. There are so many good causes and people in need that it would be nothing less than a shame if I enter 2015 with this same problem. I will keep you posted on what happens!

Problem #4: There have been far too many moments in 2013 where I refused to take care of myself. It's not even that I "didn't have the time", I seriously just refused to keep up with my physical maintenance. For one reason or another I felt like it was selfish. That the money could be used in a better way.

Plan: Not only will I be participating in a boot camp and the Color Run this spring, but I will also be budgeting $60 a month to enjoy a pedi/mani with gel. Sometimes you just need to feel fabulous on the outside in order to feel fabulous on the inside!

Problem #5: This one might be a bit odd, but I can't stand my penmanship! I have recently started practicing my cursive and print all over again. Although typing has it's advantages, good penmanship shows a whole different dimension of a person's intellectual and creative faculties.

Plan: I will be utilizing good 'ol fashion pen, paper, and time to make this happen. I not only would like to nail down basic cursive, but would also like to start experimenting with calligraphy and creating my own typography.

And There You Have It

If you haven't taken a moment to reflect on your year I would strongly encourage you to do so. Don't just come up with a list of things you wish were better. Don't just beat yourself up. Find some resolve deep down inside. It's there waiting. And if you don't think you have any to find- look up and ask for some.

Wishing you all a wonderful NEW YEAR-NEW YOU!!

1 comment:

Sarah Riche said...

Love your resolutions, Suz! I think you would be great at calligraphy - you are so artistic and creative.