
A Basket of Sunshine

Put a Flower In It

This may make me sound like a grandma, but I am a firm believer that there is nothing a flower can't fix. Seriously! Put a flower in a vase, a flower in your hair, a flower in a basket, a flower every where! So naturally, when I couldn't think of what to buy my mom for her birthday, I defaulted to the one thing I know would make her happiest. Flowers.Clearly I am my mother's daughter.

There were two very empty hooks on my mom's front porch and my life's goal became fixed on filling those empty hooks with some sunshine. I started off and ended my journey for this sunshine at the local nursery, Tallahassee Nursery. I was able to pick up two wire baskets with liners and chain hooks for $15 a piece.

Next up- flower filling time! I selected some tall greenery for the back and a cascading white flower for the front. For fillers I went with two of this season's most popular fashion colors, purple and peach. The combo was just fabulous, and I couldn't pass them up. These baskets were to hold just the right amount of pop and class all at the same time.

After a safe ride home in their perspective containers, permanent assembly in the driveway began. I grabbed a good pair of garden gloves, a trusty shovel, and a watering can... voila! Like magic, I had some pretty awesome birthday presents ready for hanging. Part of the birthday gift is that I will be the one to remember their watering and weeding. Now that is true love my friends!

Next time, you are wondering what to do, or give, or make for a dear friend or family member- don't forget that gifts that keep giving are always the best. Tap into your stored knowledge of what they love and why. Then think of a local shop/store etc where your materials can be purchased (say yes to local!!) and get to work! You will be proud of your accomplishment and your receiver will be proud of their gift. It is a total win win situation. 

1 comment:

Sarah Riche said...

such a super gift - I bet your mom loved it! I would have!